Program 5 - Spatial Data Structures

This assignment is due on Saturday 6/2.


Goals for assignment 5:

For this portion of your ray tracer, your program needs to:

You will also need to create your own visually interesting scene that you render and submit the .pov file.

Program execution:

Your program should have the following syntax:

raytrace render <input_filename> <width> <height> [-fresnel] [-ss=N] [-sds] [-altbrdf]

assuming that your executable is named raytrace where the options are:

and the command render indicates that we simply want to draw the entire scene.


raytrace render example.pov 640 480

will render a 640x480 image file, output.png consisting of the scene defined in example.pov.

raytrace render example.pov 640 480 -sds

will render a 640x480 image file, output.png consisting of the scene defined in example.pov using your spatial data structure optimization.

Sample input files and images are given in the input files repository.


In addition to the normal execution syntax, your program should support the following diagnostic/testing syntaxes with the given commandline arguments. You must also continue to support all Diagnostic/Testing syntaxes from the previous iteration(s) of the project.

No new commands (yet!)

If I can come up with a new diagnostic command that will be helpful in solving spatial data structure problems, I will post it here.

Grading breakdown: